Monday, December 8, 2008

Brandon Best on the Set of Ryan Leslie's new video

So a few months ago I had the pleasure of being on one of Ryan Leslie's new video's for the song "How it was supposed to be." The video included Tyson Beckford as one of the Lt. in a video that featured Ryan Leslie as an ol school army soldier performing at a venue in front of a group of army soldiers. At the end Brandon Best swoops Ryan's girl as well as Tyson's girl, and the video ends.........

Ok, so maybe that didn't happen, and maybe you can barely see me in any of the shots, but I was there and here are some pics to prove it!


Thrilla Nilla said...

You are so lucky to have met Tyson Beckford.

***Shrieks with excitement!****

Life, Love and Lyrics said...

He's actually pretty kool... I was suprised.